Chemical Features:
- Non-aromatic hydroxyl
- Hydrophilic due to the hydrogen bonding capacity of the hydroxyl group
- Molecular formula: C3H7NO3
- Molecular Weight: 105 g
- Appearance: white crystals or powder
- Soluble in water
- Melting point: 246 degrees Celsius
pKa Values:
- 2.21 (carboxyl)
- 9.15 (amino)
Isoelectric Point: (pH at which this amino acid carries no net electrical charge)
- 5.68
Functional Group:
- Hydroxyl
NMR Info:
- Three main peaks: Peak at 4.65, Peak at 3.75, Peak at 3.65
- Pictures can be found at:
IR Info:
A better picture of the IR spectroscopy can be found at: Info:
- The biosynthesis of serine starts with the oxidation of 3-phosphoglycerate to 3-phosphohydroxypyruvate and NADH Reductive amination of this ketone followed by hydrolysis gives serine. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase catalyzes the reversible, simultaneous conversion of L-serine to glycine.
- Racemic serine can be prepared from methly acrylate via several steps. It is also naturally produced when UV light illuminates simple ices such as a combination of water, methanol, hydrogen cyanide, and ammonia, suggesting that it may be easily produced in cold regions of space.
Small Polypeptide: